Our "Cause"?
What is our "Cause"?
To begin with, TruthBearer.org is a
organization for Christian Polygamy.
And, as will soon be explained herein,
this is vitally important because
the absolute reality is this: obtaining the
de-criminalization of polygamy can only start
with Christians first!
This organization,
has been and is leading the way in providing
the successful leadership to
advance the following:
Intellectual and Moral Advocacy & Activism for
Pro-Marriage Choice of POLYGAMY.
working to build social and political
constituencies to obtain
de-criminalization for
- freely-consenting,
- adult,
- non-abusive,
- non-lascivious,
- marriage-committed
tearing down the "house of cards" of society's
anti-polygamy thinking
by, first, removing the "first floor". That is,
successfully persuading conservative Judeo-Christian
constituencies of
polygamy's biblicality, via our
new phenomenon of "Christian Polygamy"
rhetoric. (This is not Mormon.)
Once that "first floor"
is removed, other "floors" come crashing down;
such other constituencies are easily persuaded.
- Liberals, by tolerance.
- Feminists, by women's choice.
- Conservatives, by helping abandoned single moms
have new choice for proven pro-marriage husbands
with consenting wives.
We're Changing the Course of History!
No one else can successfully obtain the de-criminalization
of polygamy, until after the Judeo-Christian
constituencies are so persuaded. Liberals
can't do it. Mormons can't do it. Only
fellow conservative Judeo-Christian believers can do it;
only they can persuade
their fellow conservative Judeo-Christian adherants.
The absolute reality is this: obtaining
the de-criminalization of polygamy can only
start with Christians first!
And it has! TruthBearer.org, a cross-denominational,
Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Scripture-believing organization,
has led and is leading the way!
Only this
is successfully removing that "first floor"
of the "house of cards" of anti-polygamy
We are succeeding!
is successfully advancing societal acceptance
of Christian Polygamy, via our exclusive
TruthBearer AGENDA, which will be accomplished
via our exclusive
TruthBearer MISSION, Bringing Christian Polygamy
to the Churches.
We are successfully working to persuade the Churches, doing so
exclusively through both
absolute Scripture and the preaching of
TruthBearer Vision
Why do we do this?
Because it's 100% Biblical.
Because marriage is awesome.
And because freedom is essential!
We're working hard and succeeding
to help families have a Biblically-solid and
real choice for freedom!
If you're one of US, come help us in this Cause,
become a TruthBearer Member right now.
Come help US Change the Course of History!
Come join US today!
What's "Inside"?
Who's "Inside"?
Our "Cause"?
Can Not Afford?